Wednesday, February 21, 2007

"The Voice of Reason"


More to come on the on going circus known as the Righteouslature, Stay tuned.........

Caio, Tom Barberi


Tom Barberi said...

Hi Alien,

Actually I had a show on the short lived 97.5 FM TALK for a year until they dropped the entire format for Christian Rock? I have been actively trying to get my show back on somewhere. "Hey any radio station out there want to make some money just call me". I have been teaching a class on media for the Osher Lifelong Learning program at the U and writing a column for Salt Lake Magazine. Look up in past issues and read my column on your friend Butters and his "Intelligent Design". The man is a moron and one of the reasons I would never run for office, it has shown to be catchy!
Ciao, Tom
be gentle, I'm still not over the last play of the game last year!

Alienated Wannabe said...

Dear Tom,

It sounds like you have been busy. That's great. I'm glad that Rob has you blogging too--does this mean that you are officially a Democrat? (Too bad for us Republicans!)

Hey, my sources tell me that there may be a position opening up in the mornings on 1280 AM in the next couple weeks. Maybe, if you enjoyed your brief sports gig, you could put some feelers out now. It would be kind of ironic if you took the job since the owners of 1280 are now the owners of your old home at 700 AM. Kind of poetic justice, eh?

As for Senator Buttars, the sad fact is that we all seem like morons to those who, for whatever reason, can't see our point of view. I'm sure you have received plenty of compassionate listener feedback over the years telling you as much.

It's difficult, but I think that whenever people of good will can reach across the isle better things happen for our world. That is why I seek out civil discussions and debates with Democratic friends.

I sincerely want to see my blind spots. I want to be influenced as much as I want to influence.

I hope that you will go up to the capitol, sit down with Senator Buttars, and get to know the man. I think you will actually like the guy. Neither one of you has all the anwers, but together you might do a better job of finding them--at least that's what I keep telling myself.

Thanks for the visit, Tom.

Your Friend,
Alienated Wannabe

P.S. Gentle is my middle name, bro.

Anonymous said...

Oh god, not barberi again. Just when the number of whiny-ass liberals in Utah seems to be declining, Barberi decides to make a comeback.

Tom Barberi said...

Wrong on both counts guys. I am not a Democrat and I am not a Liberal. If you want lables try Independant Conservative!

Anyway, Alien.....I appreciate your attitude about talking and trying to get the other side of a point. I have tried to do that but my main job on the radio was to entertain, inflame, inform, irritate and engratiate. The politics and culture of Utah is rich and for me it is like hunting in a game preserve.

What is most dangerous is one party politics and group think. If there were just two parties in the beginning there never would have been a United States.

As far as Chris Butters goes, I've talked to him a couple of times and his homophobia and my way or the hiway attitude toward science is scary.

Also I find people who post anonyously or with alias's show little courage.

Alienated Wannabe said...

Touché, Tom.

I agree with you. My hiding behind a cartoon face is not exactly the most courageous thing I have done. Kudos to you for being "out there." But, my experience with blogging has shown me that there are actually two kinds of anonymous bloggers:

1) Those, like the "anonymous" above who cloak themselves so that they can be unkind or cruel without having to account for their behavior. Their modus operandi is to "hit and run." Rarely do such write anything demonstrating intelligence, wit, or social responsibility. (By the way, the first clue that the person above is not a traditional Utah conservative is that he or she took the name of deity in vain. As you know, that's a big no-no where social conservatives like Sen. Buttars and I come from.)

2) Those who use an alias so that they can be free to say what really needs to be said. Those of us who are heavily involved in politics know that the more one becomes a public figure, the more one is punished for telling the truth. It isn't long before one learns that he or she must join a gang for protection--spitting out party talking points, toeing the party line, spinning the truth, talking in circles, etc. The same thing happens with radio personalities, journalists, etc. Courage and social responsibility has nothing to do with it--all of it comes down to professional and/or political survival. Each learns quickly that he or she must play to his or her audience in order to survive.

I use my cartoon mask to free me from all of that nonsense. As you get to know me better, you will see that I am rarely unkind or cruel. Rather, I seek to be civil and socially responsible. And, I generally use my anonymity to preach repentance to my own (because I love my own) not to take cheap shot at my rivals. I hope you can see the difference. But, if not, please set me straight.

Alienated Wannabe

Tom Barberi said...

Point well taken about one must know their audience and in business as well as politics caution and discresion sometimes must be exercised.

Being an equal opportunity critic and a public person it bothers me not to speak my mind. I feel like the luckiest guy in the world having had the opportunitdy to opine all these years.

Now lets get to some stuff.....Rep Chris Cannon has once again stuck both feet in his mouth with his regurgatating the disinformation crap from FOX News about the Trolley shooter shouting religous stuff before being blown away. Again FOX News is a pantload and will say or make up anythng to prop up Bush. Sad to see our A.G. going down the same path. I won't even get into Cheney as the man is beyond delusional.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous' comments seemed pretty whiny-ass to me. Maybe HE'S a liberal. :)

Anonymous said...

I think you should should be on Doug Wright's show and then KSL could be "fair and balanced".
Great to see you haven't retired.
(they replaced you with Cristian Rock?)

Jay said...


I'm a life-long fan and I'm so glad to hear from you! I grew up listening to your show on KALL 910 and was pissed when they took you off. Reed Richards is my dad and my family all misses hearing you on the radio. I've come to realize that you can equate 'anonymous' with 'moron' when people blog. Especially if they think you are a liberal. Only in Utah would you be considered a liberal. Anyway, glad to have you back somewhere!



Tom Barberi said...

Jay, Richard & Joe,

I appreciate the kind words. I am working on getting my show back on the air. I'm driving the cat crazy with all my ranting around the house!

Rob said...

Alien? What happened to your first comment?

Tom Barberi said...

Well the Legislature has folded up their circus tent and left town but they left behind a small dog with one eye and severly burned feet. While these people were wallowing in cash they also felt the need to continue to harrass Gay students and waste time debating an abortion law that was totally usless. The arguments against making abuse of an animal a felony were stunning. The most usless piece of legislative skin, Chris Butters argued that making the act of putting a little dog in an oven and blinding it with a leaf blower would unduly mark that individule as a felon and he would have to report that on any job applications and also not be allowed to buy a gun. Some 40 other states seem to recognize that such behavior is worthy of felony prosecution. Another brain trust on this issue was Alan Christensen who said to pass such a law would elevate animals to the status of humans.....HUH! It is idiotic people like these that stains otherwise good things that the Legislature does. My question is, why do these guys get relected? If they represent their constituents I don't want to live in their neighborhood. I have a cat that would not appreciate being baked and blinded by a human who is looked upon as just fooling around!

Anonymous said...

Chris Butters is an embarrassment and a disgrace. He seems to lack any conviction regarding constitutional protections or just plain decency. He wants to hide police abuse of power, dictate how municipalities compensate their employees in furthermore of his own religious view, and he wants to spend state education funds (which he repeatedly works to strip) to proselytize his personal religious views as "science".

It is time for us patriots to take back America from people like Chris Butters.