Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Utah Attorney General Shurtleff Slanders Congressman Jim Matheson

Congressman Jim Matheson has always stated that he is a Utah Democrat who puts his constituents ahead of partisan politics.

On February 16, Congressman Matheson rightfully voted for a nonbinding resolution expressing support from Congress for the U.S. troops serving in Iraq while opposing Bush's plan to send 21,500 more combat troops into the war. It should also be noted that this non-binding resolution passed the House with bi-partisan support.

On Saturday February 17, 2007 Utah Attorney General Mark Shurtleff said the following in his keynote speech at the Washington County Republican Party's Lincoln Day breakfast at Dixie State College:
"I'm sad to say that your representative, who likes to say he's Republican in his heart, voted with (Democratic House Speaker Nancy) Pelosi,"

"This Democratic resolution in the House and Senate right now condemns our president and our soldiers."
Shurtleff then reminded the audience that Republican candidates John Swallow and LaVar Christensen failed in their attempts to unseat Matheson.
"I don't want to dis on Matheson, he's a nice guy, but this is what we're talking about,"
Source: Deseret News
Shurtleff was referring to Christensen's ridiculous accusations during his failed campaign that Matheson would rubber-stamp whatever Pelosi and the Democratic leadership wanted.

Attorney General Shurtleff is also a nice guy, but that doesn't excuse him from putting words in Matheson's mouth and rubber-stamping LaVar's ridiculous and unsucessful campaign rhetoric.

Congressman Matheson has always represented his district in a bi-partisan manner, but would LaVar or Swallow have done the same?

Furthermore, Shurtleff's comment that Congressman Matheson is "a Republican in his heart" is nothing more than a blatant mis-representation leaving one to wonder what the AG really has on his mind?

I personally support Congressman Matheson's decision to vote for the non-binding resolution that clearly stated support for our troops. Simply said, it was a vote of the Congressman's conscience.

What I want to know is where is your conscience Mr. Shurtleff?

One would think that Utah's Attorney General would know better than to slander Utah's most popular congressman.


Anonymous said...

I beleive the Atty General has his eyes on Matheson's job in the future.

Anonymous said...

Shurleff is a nice guy, but you're right on this one Rob.

Emily said...

I've seen this criticism a few times from others in blogs, in newspapers, etc. (public comments from people who just have an axe to grind). It's the whole "you have to back the president 1000%" thing.

However, I actually had a rare opportunity to catch the Congressman explaining his vote on CSPAN. He has a very reasonable position:

- Don't withdraw funding because me *must* continue to support our troops
- But really, we need to find a way out, we are going the wrong course.

That's the basis of the resolution and that's the message Congress is trying to send. What is wrong with wanting the war to end? What is wrong with wanting peace? That makes someone unpatriotic?

I talked to the congressman a few weeks back about this very thing, and he truly cannot see how sending more troops to fight is going to promote peace. And he believes that we are not being fiscally responsible about the war.

Shurtleff is wrong on this one -- he is playing partisan politics.

And then the big twist - Britain is bringing THEIR guys back home, and Bush says that's a sign of success? Huh? I thought we still had a hard war to fight and win, at least that's what you'd assume when hearing folks like Shurtleff blather on about supporting the president.

My fear is that in 2008 we'll still be at war and we're going to pass this whole mess on to the next president. We're going to be at this for a very long time, I'm afraid.

Jay said...

What would expect people to say at a "Republican Fundraiser?" Matheson is one of the best congressmen in the country and works extremely hard for the district- especially in Southern Utah. They have no real issue to fight with Matheson about, so they make stuff up. Whats new? Mathesons opponents are notorious for making stuff up about him and his votes.

Shurtleff is just upset that so many people in St. George voted for Matheson in the last election. He was endorsed by many prominent people in Southern Utah- including the Repbublican Mayor of St. George.

Emily said...

Jay, you are right.

It's just sour grapes. They can't stand that Matheson is more popular than any other congressman or senator.

Anonymous said...

It's more than sour grapes, its part of the game plan to give Utah Republican's complete and total control of our government, no matter what the cost.