Tuesday, August 07, 2007

You missed a lot if you missed the Utah Democratic JJ Celebration and organizing convention

From The Message of Utah Democrats

Utah Democrats gathered for a weekend to remember on July 13 and 14 to hear presidential candidates Bill Richardson, at the annual Jefferson & Jackson Celebration, and Chris Dodd, at the state organizing convention.

If you weren’t there you missed a chance...

  • To see Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson,Peter Corroon, and Rocky Anderson endorse Bill Richardson.
  • To meet the person who could possibly be the first native Utahn to live in the White House: Jackie Dodd, who grew up in Orem and met Chris Dodd skiing in Park City.
  • To hear a goose-bump-producing rendition of the national anthem performed by Melissa Burridge.
  • To hear our congressman, Jim Matheson, explain how elections DO MATTER, at least when Democrats take charge.
  • To understand, first hand, what global warming really means (Al Gore, we always knew you were right!).

This year’s Jefferson & Jackson event was held at This Is The Place Heritage Park. It featured New Mexico governor and presidential hopeful Bill Richardson as keynote speaker. Richardson, who has long supported Utah Democrats, attended two receptions before he led a procession down the hill and addressed 700 of the party’s most faithful.

Richardson’s oratory received cheers and standing ovations. The SRO crowd seemed energized by his vision for a re-United America.

The Utah State Democratic Convention the next day, July 14, at Skyline High School featured Connecticut senator and presidential hopeful Chris Dodd as keynote speaker – although his wife, Jackie, and their kids threatened to steal the show.

State Party Secretary Xavier Hermosillo called the convention to order at 10:00 a.m. Salt Lake County Mayor Peter Corroon presided until delegates unanimously re-elected Chairman Wayne Holland Jr. I was also re-elected.

Former Salt Lake County Chair Megan Risbon was elected treasurer to replace Bob Jurek, who served the party tirelessly as he crisscrossed the state to build a stronger party.

I want to thank all those who attended the JJ Celebration and convention for their commitment and understanding.

We are also grateful to our staff and the volunteers who made these events successful.

The next two years will be exciting. Wayne and I will need your continued support as we build a stronger Democratic Party of Utah.

Salt Lake City Mayor Rocky Anderson and Governor Bill Richardson

Mike Bills and Governor Richardson

Phil and Peggy Bernal

Sunni and Aaron Thompson

Ralph Becker and Keith Christensen

That's how to do it!

Senator Fred and Ila Rose Fife

Archie Archeletta as Father Escalante

Rod Decker ambushes Governor Richardson

Gov. Richardson with the Hermosillo Family

Roger and Sara McConkie

Gov. Richardson and Suzanne Benitez

Wayne and Katie Holland

Gov. Richardson, Nichole Adams Dunn, and Max

Megan Risbon

Scott and Robyn Matheson

Former Congressman Bill Orton and Rep. Phil Riesen

Walking down Main Street

UDP Chair Wayne Holland Jr.

Salt Lake County Mayor Peter Corroon introduces Gov. Richardson

The best presidential stump speech I've heard so far

Rep. David Litvack

SLCSpin's Ethan Millard and Emily

JM and Brenda Bell

Jackie Dodd

Van Arthur and Bethanie Newby

UPD Developmental Director Tika Beard

Jody, Colt, and Maggie Smith

Adam Ford, Zell McGee, Rep. Roz McGee, and me

Thomas Jefferson, Emily Hollingshead, and Andrew Jackson


Anonymous said...

Thank for the pictures, Rob.

Brigitte Ballard said...

I would LOVE to come to an event like this. I hate to say that I am terribly uninformed though. /sigh Jess is NOT, but I am in the dark. Anyways, send me or Jess and invite sometime and we will come down and say HI. Maybe both of us will come.


If you email me there I will get you a better email address.

Thank you!