Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Congressman Jim Matheson Says Mine Rescue is His Focus

Salt Lake City, UT-Congressman Jim Matheson issued the following statement regarding the mine rescue operation underway in Emery County, Utah:

"Families and friends of the trapped miners still don't know the outcome of their loved ones. I remain focused on ensuring that all conceivable efforts are made to locate the men. After meeting with the families in Huntington yesterday, and speaking personally with the Mine Safety and Health Administration secretary, I am confident that the experts are leaving no stone unturned in this regard. I will return to Emery County Thursday and I expect to be updated at that time. The people of Emery County are an inspiration to all of us, as they come together to support each other during this difficult event."


Anonymous said...

If anyone can save those miners, it's congressman Jim Matheson. He will focus like a laser to make sure those miners are saved.

Anonymous said...

I wonder what his voting record is on mine safety...he votes so often with republicans..who knows?

Unknown said...

So will he take any responsibility if the rescue effort falls short, or is he there just to take credit should they be successful?

Thanks for the good work Jim

Anonymous said...

What do you mean save the miners? It's only obvious that they are not alive. They were killed from the cave in. If not, don't you think they would have picked up a noise from them? There were some experienced miners there and they know the rescue drill. I hope that they can recover the bodies and give them a proper burial but they should be coming to terms with the fact that they are all deceased. I'm not being cruel just realistic and my heart goes out to everyone of the families. I can't even imagine the torture they are going through right now.