Tuesday, July 31, 2007

One party rule is not a good thing

By Adam Ford
“It is always a burden to run with an R for Republican after their name.”
Mitt Romney

This amazing YouTube video captures the truth about Utah politics, spoken by Utah’s darling Presidential candidate Willard Mitt Romney.

One party rule in Utah is not a good thing. Even Republicans, in their more honest moments will admit this is true.

The headline quote above is from the video—the context is clearly running as a Republican in Massachusetts is a burden. I understand. Running as a Democrat in Utah is an electoral burden. Because just as in Massachusetts many people vote blindly Democratic, in Utah the unthinking Republican vote is pervasive. I condemn tribal partisan voting on both sides. All honest, qualified, hard working candidates should be given sincere consideration. And the candidate that best represents the positions and interests of the individual voter should be selected by that voter. It is a shame that politics has become so tribal on both sides.

I hope Republicans in Utah will watch this clip and think about what Mitt is saying. One party rule is not healthy to democracy—you get things like special treatment for free-spending toxic polluters, school vouchers, and no lobbying reform—each decision at direct odds with the wishes of the vast majority of Utah voters. We need more balance in Utah. It is time to send more Democrats to the state legislature.


Anonymous said...

Adam, what do you think about fair elections for candidates nominated by all political parties, as well as candidates running independently without a party's nomination?

What would Greens say about past efforts of Democrats to foster political balance?

How about replacing the corrupt, two-party system Americans have outgrown with the multi-party systems used by most of the world's democracies?

For earlier discussions with Utah Democrats about this issue, see:

Where Have All The Democrats Gone?

Reverse Coattails

SLC Mama said...

yeah -- what Rob L said . . .

It's bad karma for the Dems when they mess with fair elections for others.

Anonymous said...

OK...we need a change...what are deomcrats going to offer the masses...and will they listen?

Will the scales in the state change?