Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Check out, "The Message"

Democrats and Utah Progressives,

In the July edition of The Message (click here) the monthly newsletter of the Utah Democratic Party, Chair Wayne Holland says the presidential candidates visiting Utah this summer have sparked energy and excitement. "The challenge for us now is to build the fire."

Also in the newsletter ...

  • Sen. Barack Obama will visit Park City on Aug. 5. To attend, call Adia Smith, (310) 277-2008, or e-mail, asmith@barackobama.com.
  • Democratic Congressman Jim Matheson makes a late-summer push for his 2nd District constituents.
  • The Indiana-based message meister of the voucher crowd targets Utah Democrats.
  • Vice Chair Rob Miller says you missed a lot if you missed the JJ Celebration and organizing convention.
  • Americans spoke, House Democrats listened, Republicans obstructed.
  • And can you believe Chris Cannon, Mitt Romney, Mike Noel, Carl Wimmer, Stephen Urquhart, and Margaret Dayton? The latest outrages brought to you courtesy of the Grand Old Party.

Bill Keshlear
Director of Communications, Utah Democratic Party


Misty Fowler said...

I'm getting a 404 error when I click the link to the newsletter.

Anonymous said...

It's like a jungle sometimes.

Rob said...

It must have been SABOTAGE!

Thanks Misty, it's working now.