Thursday, September 11, 2008

McCain's Distortions


Community Organizer said...

The main problem with obama is his resume. C'mon community organizer? I know you think Jesus was one, but I think he had a higher calling than Obama. Although that question I'm sure is over your pay grade.

Rob said...

But it seems you believe it's not over yours.

I have worked been an executive administrator and it was not nearly as difficult as my community work.

Future President Barack Obama has organized the greatest political effort I have witnessed during my lifetime. Now that's an executive.

Cameron said...

So running a campaign for president qualifies one to be president?

Rob said...

Cameron, let me help you out here. The post is about McCain's lies. What do think of that?

Now, to answer your question. How many people do you know that could put together the organization that Barack Obama has? That's leadership. His campaign organization shows qualities any CEO would look for in an executive. I couldn't do it. Could you?

No one here said his campaign was why he was qualified to be president. What was said is that his remarkable journey that brought him here is executive experience and shows leadership qualities.

Hope that helps. Now try to stay focused, or are you just playing the old GOP change the subject when the truth hurts game?

Have a nice day.

Cameron said...

Rob, thanks for the helping hand.

Here's what I responded to:

"Future President Barack Obama has organized the greatest political effort I have witnessed during my lifetime. Now that's an executive."

The first commenter challenged Senator Obama's resume for the presidency, and you responded with how well he's run a campaign.

A campaign, incidentally, that despite having a lot more money than his opponent, is currently behind in the polls and seemingly incapable of handling "the mayor of Wasilla".

I apologize if that upsets you. It wasn't my intention to change the subject, I was just responding to the subject being discussed in the comment section.

Have a good weekend.

Marshall said...

And the main problem with McCain is his judgment,