Sunday, August 24, 2008

The Drive Up

Though we were plagued from the start with minor issues, we did indeed make it here to Denver.. We were supposed to leave at 1 PM Saturday, which turned into about 7 PM, instead. But, nothing was going to keep us from making it to the DNC!

Jeff, Jason, Craig and I drove here in a Pontiac something-or-other, and Jeff somehow managed to fit all of our luggage into the cramped space. I couldn't resist snapping a shot or two during the drive, but at least I wasn't singing show-tunes like Jeff.

Jason was a bit surprised by the flash.

Jeff calmly practicing some karate chops at one of the rest stops.

Jason, once we finally made it to the Warwick.


And in case you ever wondered what your Utah State Democratic Vice Chair looks like after a hard night, here's Rob when we finally arrived at about 4:30 AM Sunday morning.

He clean up nicely, though.


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh you guys make me laugh.... It looks rough :)

Jessica Littlefield said...

Road trip photos are always so flattering!