Wednesday, June 11, 2008

I'm voting Republican!


Jason The said...

ROFL. "I think the world should be run by one huge corporation... I think it'd be cozier!"

Anonymous said...

Cut about 3 minutes off the running time, polish up the editing, get some decent actors, and you might have a decent production.

Even then, though, it would still be neither poignant nor funny.

Tom said...

On one level, it's mildly humorous, but on another, it's rather offensive. One can be Republican without taking polar positions on every issue. To not so subtly mock the intelligence of those who identify as Republicans is a barrier to the sort of dialogue this blog purports to encourage.

Anonymous said...

I don't think the goal is to subtly mock the intelligence of those who identify as Republicans, Tom. I think the point being (humorously) made here is that many people are still voting against their own values by voting for today's Republican Party.

To me, people who make messages like this actually care MORE about the people shown in the video than the party the Republican Party they support does.

It's not a statement on their intelligence that they vote Republican, but a statement on the effectiveness of the Republican messaging machines skewering the truth about who they really are.

Anonymous said...

sirmize and tom:

Yet another example of how Repubs can dish out jokes, but can't take a joke. How am I not surprised!

Tom said...

I appreciate the other comments. drm's ad hominem aside, I thought the proposed Republican badge ("I CAN be bought!") incredibly funny, even though I self-identify as a Republican.

I've spent the past week trying to figure out why I found the first to be so funny, and the video to be offensive.

I'm not sure I have the answer, but here are some thoughts: a) one targeted elected public officials, the other the general public; b) the button was brief, selling a punchline immediately, while the video continued to hammer a point well after the surprise was lost (I think part of the joy of humor is that it's unexpected); c) I think really what it boils down to is how the actions of groups are portrayed--and vilified. The video describes in detail all of the reasons the Republican party is the (supposedly) the incarnation of evil on earth. It's a difference between parody and a policy statement.

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed shooting this film. I enjoyed the crew. Go Charlie!