Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Amicus Morning Edition

David Sirota Debates Lou Dobbs.

Military Families Targeted in Recent Scam.

McCain Campaign Agrees With CNBC Pundit: Americans Making $200,000 Are 'Not Rich.'

When Bill O'Reilly goes after you, you must be doing something right.

Southern Utah's Housing Market on Ice?

Women Give McCain a Zero.

Constitutional Scholar on Impeachment: "Time to Pony Up"

Utah Property Tax: Truth in Taxation.

Worried that you'll never get into another cyclical argument with some shaved-headed guy with tattoos about states' rights?

1 comment:

Cameron said...


According to the Think Progress (not really a bastion of media objectivity, btw) article you linked, "A 2007 Wall Street Journal article placed earners who make $277,000 in the top 1 percent of all income earners."

The top 1% of earners in this country pay 37% of the tax. The bottom 50% pay 3% of the tax.

Which is interesting in light of Think Progress's criticism of McCain's middle class tax proposal. They complain that only "small" amounts of the tax benefit would go to the bottom 80% of taxpayers, and that most of it goes to the top 1%.

The truth is, any time there's a tax cut it's going to help the top 1% because they're the ones paying all the tax.