The other night I was talking with my friends in Cache County,
Tom and Ryan, when they asked me if other candidates were trying to use Senator
Obama's message of change (Tom actually said are Republicans co-opting Obama's message).
You called it Tom.
Is that
Bob Aagard with Governor
It's a Happy New Year.
Obama's speech was a grand slam, Rob.
Seriously inspiring. An amazing delivery. I just watched it again on YouTube.
That's it Bob! What a jerk! First he lies to me about having a lot of sisters, now I find out he's a closet Republican.
Bob, I want a divorce!
Rob, seriously, you need to get your eyes checked.
And the polygamy thing is getting a little old.
Dear Etahn (a.k.a Bob),
I know a political disquise when I see one, and just like Rep. Frank you must believe that if you say it isn't so that people are actually dumb enough to believe you.
Dear Thelma,
I feel your pain.
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