Friday, January 04, 2008

Iowa Democrats are pumped!

Of all the data from the Iowa caucuses, I think the most significant is this: There were almost twice as many Iowa Democrats that turned out to caucus as Republicans. This is a significant change compared to 2004, where the numbers from the two parties were much closer.

Democrats in 2008 are enthusiastic, motivated, and ready for change - much more so than Republicans. The GOP should be very nervous.

PS: On a personal note, if you've read my stuff before, you know I'm pretty happy about the fact that Senator Clinton came in third. I think either Obama or Edwards would be much better for Utah Democrats at the top of the ticket in November than Hillary.


Misty Fowler said...

There are a lot of us who were happy about Clinton coming in 3rd. Inevitability is down the drain! It was nauseating when she got up and gave her speech after, and seemed to be pretending she'd won.

Anonymous said...


Too bad your love for one candidate makes you so hateful towards another great candidate. Obama won big, but this is just the beginning. Hopefully he can go all the way, but it is still a big possibility that Hillary will be our nominee.

Anonymous said...


I Don't Think Hillary Has A Chance in Hell to Win The Nom. With People Like Micheal Moore, Rocky Anderson, Ralph Nader, and Others Trashing her for Being to Corprate or Her Iraq Vote which she will not Appologize for.
This is the Howard Dean Democratic Party not the old Democratic Party.
The Broad appel of Obama Will blow Clinton and Even Edwards out of the Water.

Anonymous said...


You might be right, but Michael Moore? Rocko Anderson? Ralph Nadar? Two
narcissists and a fat guy?

I bet you would have voted for the war too Randy. That was a different day.

Anonymous said...

Obama is the only candidate bring legions of new voters to the democratic party and to the polls.

He is the best choice.