So I'm listening to Doug Wright on my way to work when he plays an ad from FreedomsWatch.org thanking the troops for their service. Then Doug explains that it took public outrage to force NBC to air the ad. He then continues to go on and on on what an outrage it is that NBC would play MoveOn.org ads this morning. On Doug's website he states, "Liberal bias? Is it real? Is there any doubt?"
On one point I do agree, NBC should play the ads thanking the troops. What I find hypocritical is Doug, or anyone else at KSL being outraged by NBC's supposed "liberal bias". I might remind Doug and KSL that they should be careful before throwing stones at NBC since their programming at 1PM is the most divisive show on the airwaves.
Maybe the time has come to have a few demonstrations of public outrage in front of Broadcasthouse to remind KSL that not everyone in Utah agrees with their right-wing agenda and Sean Hannity.
What do you think?
On one point I do agree, NBC should play the ads thanking the troops. What I find hypocritical is Doug, or anyone else at KSL being outraged by NBC's supposed "liberal bias". I might remind Doug and KSL that they should be careful before throwing stones at NBC since their programming at 1PM is the most divisive show on the airwaves.
Maybe the time has come to have a few demonstrations of public outrage in front of Broadcasthouse to remind KSL that not everyone in Utah agrees with their right-wing agenda and Sean Hannity.
What do you think?
The so-called "Liberal Media" has been a hoax for many years. In fact, the media is more conservative than it is objective. Conservatives always bring up the point that most journalists are Democrats. Who cares. Besides, their work goes through editors and owners before being published. But owners and the corporations that employ these "liberal" reporters are owned by conservatives. It is not just Murdock's empire that is conservative, but the other media conglomerates as well. The best way to determine their political preferences is to follow their money. Over the years, the Media/Print PACs have donated very little to the Democratic Party and have donated heavily to the Republican Party.
But conservatives will continue to believe the rhetorical nonsense about the media. And so what if the New York Times is liberal. Conservatives don't read the Times anyway. Nevertheless, it is a small percentage of what the conservatives have in media market, especially on the airwaves.
Doug is also riding the "War on Christmas" (and by extension, the War on Christianity) bandwagon this year. As if we can't look in any direction without seeing some reminder that it's almost Christmas.
I read that there isn't any nativity
displays in Washington DC this year. I guess they couldn't find 3 wise men and a virgin. But they had an over abundance of Asses.
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