Monday, December 10, 2007

A joyful vent

Zounds, I can breathe freely now. I can see that my concern about our air quality here [Washington County] was completely unfounded. Behold, as reported in the Spectrum, we can relax as our three local air quality and energy production experts, who also happen to be our three pro growth county commissioners, have carefully studied the proposed Toquop coal fired plant and concluded that all of our environmental concerns have been mitigated. Clearly since we are being environmentally safeguarded by our three county commissioners, its time for Vision Dixie and the other clean smokestack huggers to vanish from the local scene.

Don L. Miller

1 comment:

JM Bell said...

Congratulations, Don, on smoking five cigarettes a day worth of pollutants like we do up here in the Salt Lake Valley.

Isn't it grand that pro-growth folks not only want to completely overburden your water resources, but, in order to make more water available for the new folks, kill off the population a good 5 - 10 years earlier with their coal burning power plant.
