Friday, December 21, 2007

From Congressman Jim Matheson: Caring for children is always the right thing to do

Dear Robert,

Congress adjourned this week. Before returning home, we passed a bill that maintains coverage under the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) for children currently enrolled, which will provide access to health insurance for an estimated 6 million kids nationally for another 14 months. I worked hard over the past year on a more expansive proposal. So I feel the bill we just passed falls short of our moral obligation--to provide enough money to enroll the estimated 10 million children who meet the criteria.

SCHIP is a highly successful, bipartisan program that provides a safety net for children in families whose parents work, but either are not offered or can't afford health insurance for their children. The program is a public-private partnership that has given states tremendous flexibility to design a solution that meets the needs of their citizens.

Since it began, more than 110,000 Utah children in low-income families have benefited. I have met some of them. Ask any worried parent what it means to be able to get care for a sick child--it makes all the difference. We know that children who get preventive care cost the system much less than those who wind up in the emergency room as a last resort.,

Twice, President Bush vetoed bipartisan legislation to renew and expand health care for kids. The original 10-year program expired in September, but stop-gap funding has been included in temporary spending bills approved this fall.

An estimated 45,000 Utah kids qualify under the program, but are not enrolled because of a lack of funds. After working very hard to provide access to health care to these children, I am disappointed that partisan politics interfered.

Caring for children is always the right thing to do. Recent studies show that the percentage of children who are uninsured is larger in Utah than in any other state except Vermont. As a parent of young boys, I know how important good health is to their future. My goal is to provide the same opportunity to every deserving Utah child.


U.S. Representative
2nd District of Utah

Above Photo: Congressman Matheson adds his print to those of children at the Iron County Children's Justice Center

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