Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Referendum 1 has been defeated!

The people have spoken and we have defeated Referendum1!


Make no mistake that this was one of the most pivotal election decisions ever decided in the state of Utah.

Let's hope that we can heal our wounds and come together to build a public education system that is second to none in the nation and create the educational opportunities that will serve all of Utah's children.

I'm grateful.

I'm tired.

And I think I'm going away for a while.

Once again I send to you my admiration and congratulations!

With every best wish,

The Utah Amicus


Anonymous said...

I thought that those so fond of commenting anonymously on your blog in recent days may fall suspiciously silent after the voucher defeat, and I'd best chime in with one for nostalgia's sake:


Jesus said...

Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.

pramahaphil said...

Whose been wounded, Rob?

I would find it rather pathetic for anyone to feel personally damaged or wounded from a sincere debate about education reforms.

Not to pick a fight, it just seemed silly that anyone would be hurt from the voucher debate.

Misty Fowler said...

Pramahaphil, way too much of the voucher debate was far from sincere. Even most pro-voucher people understand that much.

Anonymous said...

Utah failed it's intelligence test

Emily said...

Oh no, anon #1 -- looks like the anons are out in full force today.

Anonymous said...

"Suspiciously silent"? Dude, we're tired.

Anonymous said...

All I Need to say is this subject Should have been brought up in High Teacher Paying States like: California or Massachusetts and Not in the lower Teacher paying States Like Utah.

Rob said...


Maybe it is silly in your eyes, but being as close to this issue as I was I can guarantee that there are those who do feel that they have been wounded, and/or damaged by this debate.

I would like to point out that your statement only takes your own personal viewpoint into account, and I agree that part of your viewpoint shows great strength. It is healthy to see that we shouldn't be harmed by a sincere debate.

But you lost me when you decided to discount how others may feel, based on your understanding. Pathetic is a pretty strong word.

I may be just as guilty as you of trying to tell others how to feel. I'm a flawed person. But I can assure you that others feelings don't belong to you, and your statement shows a lack of tolerance and understanding.

I'm not trying to pick a fight either, but since you have such a strong opinion on this I would suggest considering being a bit more tolerant of how others might have been effected by this fight.

That is one reason why you won't see me gloating on this blog.

There is so much work to do and it is my hope that we can bring people from both sides of the debate together to focus on our similarities for the good of our children.

Our children needs us, and it is my belief that we can all have a seat at the table.

Thanks for dropping by.

Anonymous said...

Is it okay to say congratulations?

(Even though you're not gloating or anything like that.)