Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Mero: Lets Take Utah Back To Its Theocratic Roots!

From Jeremy's Jeremiad
"Mero’s defense of Mormon theocracy in the late 1800’s and his contention that the territory government was doing everything right with its schools and everything else in the years right after pioneers arrived here is my favorite part of his argument. It shows just how out of touch he really is. You’d almost think, after reading his screed that Mero would prefer that Utah still be a state run by an LDS church from the 1850s. Mormons would still participate in polygamous marriages, church run schools would be paid for by taxpayers and we’d all live in the Nation of Deseret instead of the United States of America."
To read Jeremy's complete post click here!

1 comment:

Clint Gardner said...

I'm going to post here, what I posted over at the Jeremiad for continuities sake:

I’m not sure where Mr. Mero got his history from, but the territory of Deseret had very little schooling for children going on. Most LDS folks who wanted to give their children schooling, in fact, sent them to schools run by other religions. Those sectarian schools (such as Westminster Academy which changed missions later on and became Westminster College) were open to all children (as long as the parents could pay tuition) no matter their denomination.

I wonder what Mr. Mero makes of the Utah Constitution which states particularly that EVERY Utah child shall be given a free, NON-SECTARIAN education? (We are the only state in the Union that has the non-sectarian clause in its universal schooling language.)