Eric Jacobson has done his reserch. What is his conclusion?
Conclusion: Voucher programs have demonstrated almost no academic benefits in other places. Will Utah be different?
Read the Standard Examiner's: Vouchers have not helped students learn
Hat tip: Education in Utah
Academic benefits to the state was never the intention of voucher propenents. It is another "welfare" program (handout) to the more affluent.
It'll make a difference to those Republican chuckleheads who started building the Charter Schools for fun and profit.
I smell land, all over the state, being quietly purchases and little cartoon dollar signs flying around not only certain legislator's heads, but the Walton's and the Amway folks, as well.
We don't have enough private schools to support the rush that passing this will make, so, cha-ching, private schools popping up like pay-day loan storefronts.
How long, if it passes, do you suppose it'll take them to repeal the sections of the Utah Constitution regarding no public money to religious schools?
I'm guessing that bill is already written.
What!? Is Jacobson saying we should make political decisions in Utah based on facts and evidence, rather than ideology?
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