Monday, February 19, 2007

Presidents Day Surprise

On Saturday I was sitting on my back porch thinking, "it smells and feels like Spring".

So much for thinking.


Sarah Bellum said...

And so much for jinxing us. Thanks a lot.

Emily said...

Went to St. George today where I enjoyed the rain - but driving back up to Cedar City was a bit of a white knuckle experience... it turned to snow mighty quick.

Let's hope for a speedy return to spring-like weather!

Anonymous said...

so much for global warming

Anonymous said...

A snow storm in Feb.means that global warming isn't happening?

What do you care anyway, you're the same dumbass who thinks Utah educators are paid too much and that vouchers will actually help public education.

Oh, let's not forget that lobbyist dollars have no negative effects on our legislative process

Anonymous said...

what did I say about vouchers?