Wednesday, September 27, 2006

From New West: Free Speech Restrictions for Capitol Shot Down at Public Hearing in SLC

By Tracy Medley, 9-26-06

A public hearing was held Monday to discuss newly re-written "protest rules," intended to limit free expression on Capitol Hill and support for the new restrictions was scarce.

Rebecca Walsh of The Salt Lake Tribune reported that, "the changed rules were a flop."

Deseret News reporter Angie Welling told a similar story saying that the "New restrictions on free speech activities on Capitol Hill received an unfavorable review." In her article Welling says, "The proposed rule," would "include prohibition on leafleting and other activities at the state complex."

The rules were originally written, in part to prevent advocacy groups from passing out potentially offensive or disturbing literature to legislators, as was done last year when advocates for low-income families, passed our fliers showing horribly decaying teeth.


What's more offensive: photos of decaying teeth, or our elected officials deciding that First Amendment doesn't matter?

Maybe you should have tried to better understand the message behind the photos.


Clint Gardner said...

Here! Here!

These escapist shenanigans simply have to stop.

Anonymous said...

Now Rob, isn't it easier to just legislate the poor away?

Anonymous said...

How was the vote divided along party or special interest groups? Since I have not seen the results of the vote it would be interesting to know. The current rulers in this state and D.C. don't seem to think the Constitution and its restrictions on government don't apply to them and they can make laws to suit their own ends and needs. Just a warning watch out for the increased power of the real estate interests in government. They are out to feather their own nests at the expense of the general public, if they eant your land they will pass laws that will allow them to take it.

Anonymous said...

don't make such a bif deal about this - it will keep the rif-ref and the unwashed of the hill.