Friday, May 12, 2006

Tonight's Jefferson-Jackson Dinner Honors Governor Calvin L. Rampton

The Utah Democratic Party will honor former Governor Calvin L. Rampton at tonight's Jefferson-Jackson Dinner. Governor Rampton has inspired so many of us, and it seems that Utah has almost forgotten the inspiring leadership that Democrats like Rampton has provided for Utah and her citizens.

I have told this story a hundred times, and I might possibly tell it a thousand more, but it was a little green campaign button that simply said, "Luv the Guv" that will forever be my first campaign memory. At the time my father, Michael T. Miller was Governor Rampton's press secretary. With dad being a dedicated, Democratic work-a-holic, I would spend many Saturdays exploring the Guv's office and the Utah State Capitol. Quite often I would run into the Governor who was always kind and gracious, a trait he has kept his entire life. I cannot tell you what an honor it is to once again start off my campaign, this time for Davis County Commission Seat A, with Governor Rampton's endorsement.

Tonight's Jefferson-Jackson Dinner is titled, "The Spirit Of Democracy" and will be held at the Hilton Salt Lake City Center, 255 South West Temple at 7:00 PM. Congresswoman Stephanie Herseth from South Dakota will be our keynote speaker. The Jefferson-Jackson Dinner is traditional held the night before our Democratic State Convention. I hope to see you there!

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