Monday, April 24, 2006

SLCSPIN'S Ethan Millard in the Deseret News

SLCSPIN's Ethan Millard is in the news again, this time in the Deseret News.

However it was The Utah Amicus that first proved that Ethan is not the most connected woman in Utah politics.

Now it is Ethan himself who is putting to rest the rumor that he is not married to Dallis Nordstrom, a truth I can testify too. Ethan is not only a happily married man (and to a woman), but also the father of future blogger Elliot.

Now who are we going to speculate about?

Good job Ethan!


Bob said...

Just for the record, I'm not married to Dallas Nordstrom either...


Anonymous said...

But can you prove your not a woman Bob?

Bob said...

Rob has photographic Evidence....

Ewww....that sounded bad.