Sunday, April 02, 2006

Christine Johnson ~ Candidate, House District 25

Christine “Chris” Johnson is a thirty-seven year-old mother. Among many other practical and philosophical motivations, her parental savvy has helped inspire her to become a grass-roots activist with a strong and persistent community voice. She has spent the past several years working to promote community awareness of, and participation in, Utah’s somewhat skewed political landscape. As one example of this skew, recognize that the ratio of adult males to females in Utah is essentially one to one yet the State House comprises 16 women and 59 men and the State Senate includes just 4 women among 25 men. Chris is driven to offer Utah politics the balanced and diversified representation that it deserves.

Click here for Christine Johnson's complete bio and website.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I visit Christine's website and was impressed by her volunteer work. It's one thing to work to improve Utah and get paid for it, it's something else entirely to do it just because it's the right thing to do. I'm impressed.