Saturday, June 07, 2008

The Voice of Treason?

Well, this should be interesting...


Anonymous said...

Hard to tell where that comment came know how I feel about "anonymous" comments (i.e. cowards).

Could come from your general side of the spectrum...from a liberal...but most likely it comes from my side. The are several "conservatives" who simply hate what "I" have done to Sutherland. In other words, they only like their own brand of Republican=conservative political boiler plate...they don't like thoughful dialogue (whether "I" am right or not at least we discuss things at SI), they get "turfy" (i.e. "stick with family one listens to you anyway on that stuff so the rest of our 'agenda' is safe"), they get jealous about SI's media coverage, they don't like our "long-view" of policy, politics, and life, and because "I" and SI can't be bullied, they get very frustrated with us.

If "treason" means authentic conservative thought, then I guess "I" and SI are guilty...If it means something other than liberal nonsense, then "I" and SI KNOW we're guilty.

Best, PTM

Jason The said...

I like your use of the word "turfy."

That would be an interesting topic to explore... political ideology "turf" wars.

I'm sure it happens more often than most would realize.

Anonymous said...

Your immigration platform sucked!

That's what I hate about you democrats. You think "ILLEGALS" have rights!

You're just a closet liberal trying to work your way in to GOP policy.

Stay here and post on the Utah Socialist.

It suits you.

Anonymous said...

YOU my friend are the one who can not think about anything but "family issues." It was YOU who came to a legislative comittee two years ago and advocated a facist ideal of forcing people to have medical insurance. If it is not about gay marriage or taditional families, you are as lost as a little kid in a porno shop. You my friend are VERY confused.
I have to agree with the "Anon coward" above. Stay here, and leave the saving of the conservative agenda to conservatives. You look good on this website. How sad that the only people "SI" is going to get to carry their ideas are liberals. To the Conservatives on the hill "SI" may as well be dead.

Conservative "coward" from Davis County.

Anonymous said...

To the conservative coward from Davis facist? And liberal?

The proposal that was bandied about up on the Hill (two sessions ago?) to "mandate" catastrophic medical coverage (like basic car insurance is mandated) was John Dougall and Brad Daw's proposal (those "facists" of the conservative caucus!), that Brad asked me to give a bump to. And I did.

The best thing that could happen is for you and all like you to come out of the closet and into the light where such charges you bring can be fully and publicly debated.

The one benefit of debating issues on the Amicus site is that they actually dialogue and debate openly (still a few "anonymous" cowards among them). They pass my "dinner test": would I enjoy a good dinner and conversation with them? And, frankly, even not knowing who you are, I can tell I would rather have dinner with them than you...I would much prefer to chat with a honest liberal than a narrow-minded, self-righteous "conservative"..."coward"..."from Davis County."

Best, PTM

Anonymous said...


I almost split my ribs laughing when you said "They get jealous from our press coverage." My God you are a pompous ass. WHAT press coverage are you talking about? You are so out of touch with reality it is un-real. Your too proud of your little, pathetic organization. How sad it has to be to be you right now. The liberals don't like you because you are anti-gay and the conservatives dont like you because you are a closet liberal who sounds like Clinton or Obama. In your rabid desire to "be an independent voice" you have become nothing but a middle of the road nobody. You stand for nothing and your credibility is shot. Who will listen to you in the state congress? No one. Surely not the dems, and surely not the conservatives. Sad, truly sad.

Anonymous said...


Welcome to Sutherland's world. Is this "interesting" enough for you?

I am amazed at how much time and attention critics give to our "little, pathetic organization."

Note the hour when this coward posted. Wow.

Mostly, I love the duplicity of this critic...I'm pompous, but his/her views are so important to the world that he/she can only remain anonymous...we wouldn't want to bias our opinion of the criticism by actually knowing his/her identity...undoubtedly a VERY important person in the community. :)

There you have it, Jason, at least one indication of just how interesting life can be at Sutherland.

Jason The said...

I have to admit I am intrigued by the hostility Sutherland seems to have elicited in at least this one individual (and if you get more like this, you guys should publish a book of such comments one day, it'd be entertaining reading).

Unfortunately, none of us can take this person seriously, because they lack the courage of conviction enough to post such unreasonable hostility with anything resembling a traceable name.

Typical, unfortunately.