Anna loves Max and Ruby by Rosemary Wells. When Michelle asked Anna what kind of party she wanted Anna explained that she wanted a "Max and Ruby Party!"
Anna is our second daughter and our middle child. I wanted something special to start off my next 100 posts, so I saved Anna's birthday because someday I'll be gone and just in case my children decide to look through The Utah Amicus I want Anna to know how much I love her, and how special she is to me.
Anna's party started off with a puppet show based on the Max and Ruby book Bunny Cakes by Rosemary Wells. Ruby wants to make an angel surprise cake with raspberry fluff icing for Grandma's birthday. Max wants to make Grandma an earthworm cake with red-hot marshmallow squirters. After a few mishaps in the kitchen and a few trips to the grocer, Grandma gets both, and so did Anna.
After the puppet show and a well prepared dinner we relaxed on our back porch as the kids decorated their own little cakes just like Max and Ruby did for their grandma.
For me, Anna's birthday party made for a perfect day. I don't think I enjoy anything more than gathering together as a family in celebration of a child's birth, which means I experience and enjoy many perfect days since we were all children once.
I hope you had a wonderful fourth birthday Anna, and I hope you understand how much I love you, and that nothing could ever change this fact. Love is eternal, and true love is the one thing on this planet that can break the bonds of both time and space. I love you Anna and I always will.
Enjoy the photos.
Anna is our second daughter and our middle child. I wanted something special to start off my next 100 posts, so I saved Anna's birthday because someday I'll be gone and just in case my children decide to look through The Utah Amicus I want Anna to know how much I love her, and how special she is to me.
Anna's party started off with a puppet show based on the Max and Ruby book Bunny Cakes by Rosemary Wells. Ruby wants to make an angel surprise cake with raspberry fluff icing for Grandma's birthday. Max wants to make Grandma an earthworm cake with red-hot marshmallow squirters. After a few mishaps in the kitchen and a few trips to the grocer, Grandma gets both, and so did Anna.
After the puppet show and a well prepared dinner we relaxed on our back porch as the kids decorated their own little cakes just like Max and Ruby did for their grandma.
For me, Anna's birthday party made for a perfect day. I don't think I enjoy anything more than gathering together as a family in celebration of a child's birth, which means I experience and enjoy many perfect days since we were all children once.
I hope you had a wonderful fourth birthday Anna, and I hope you understand how much I love you, and that nothing could ever change this fact. Love is eternal, and true love is the one thing on this planet that can break the bonds of both time and space. I love you Anna and I always will.
Enjoy the photos.

I see you Anna

What a wonderful audience

Where's dinner?

Anna opens a pretty necklace from her Grandma Judy

Anna is excited by her earthworm cake with red-hot marshmallow squirters and her angel surprise cake with raspberry fluff icing

Time to make a wish
(Notice that somebody has already tried some of the earthworm cake)

Decorating time
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