Sunday, April 23, 2006

Open Letter to Members of the Utah Public Employees' Association

I'm Don Miller, Democratic Candidate, Utah House of Representatives, District 75, and I'd like to give UPEA members a few reasons to endorse and support my candidacy.

As a former public employee, I worked for the US GAO, the congressional watchdog agency, I understand completely the pain of pay and benefit takeaways. Retired federal employees these days are acutely aware of the saying: "Injury to one group of employees is an injury to all, if not now, later."

I agree with Rep. Davis Hogue, HB 213 was a slap in the face, not just for public employees in Utah, but to public employees nationwide. All public employees understand what it is like to have pay and benefit promises broken and your work devalued by your legislative employers and how that carries over to many different areas of your life.

As a former total quality management facilitator and an issue area manager for general government programs, I know that the most important resource available to any entity is its human resources. I also know that Utah governmental departments have an outstanding reputation because as UPEA's web site aptly proclaims: "Utah Works Because You Do."

I'm appalled that the Utah legislature shortchanged your pay and benefits again this year despite a billion dollar surplus, and instead chose to pursue a $90 million tax cut for businesses and the CEO class, while planning to increase taxes for the middle-class and retired citizens.

When elected you can be certain that I will fight to stop unwarranted tax cuts for businesses and the CEO class -- they need to pay their fair share -- and more importantly, I will fight tooth and nail to stop any additional public employee pay and benefit takeaways. I will also fight to increase your pay and benefits, especially when Utah has a billion dollar surplus.

By working together we can stop the single-party monopoly that is leading us to backward policies. Any amount contributed to the "Don Miller Election Campaign" is most appreciated. Not a dime will be wasted. Please mail your contributions to Jim Guard's attention at 803 Lizzie Lane, St. George, UT 84790. If you have any questions call me at (435) 627-2145 or email me at

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