Wednesday, April 19, 2006

4th Annual
"Awakening Utah"
Walk for Suicide Prevention & Awareness
Sugarhouse Park April 22, 2006

Phil Riesen, candidate for House District 36, and Senator Scott McCoy, Senate District 2, will be speaking this Saturday April 22, 2006 between 1:30 pm and 2:00 pm at the 4th Annual Walk for Suicide Prevention & Awareness at Surgarhouse Park.

When Mack Gift, executive director of the Mental Health Association in Utah asked me to be on his board of directors I was humbled. To have Phil Riesen's and Senator Scott McCoy's (who by the way was the keynote speaker last year) unconditional support for this event is an honor.

The event is being held the same day as the Salt Lake County Democratic Convention which starts at 8:00 am at Highland High School (which happens to be next door to the park).

During our last board meeting I imagined a large group of Salt Lake County Democrats walking from the convention to the Park in support of our two Democratic Candidates, as well as an organization that understands that we are responsible for each other (you know, pro-life).

As you can see, I have a very active imagination, as well as good intentions, but the reality of several hundred delegates taking even more time away from their Saturday, or from convention business may be on my part asking for too much. But then I think of all the personal time candidates like Phil and Scott give up to campaigning and legislating, which makes me think, "how can we not support Phil and Scott, as well as an organization that is making a difference for Utah families every day".

With that in mind I am inviting any delegate who has the desire to take a walk with me from Highland High School over to Surgarhouse Park at 1:15 pm and become a part of something beautiful. For more information read on.

4th Annual
"Awakening Utah"
Walk for Suicide Prevention & Awareness
Sugarhouse Park April 22, 2006

The Mental Health Association in Utah along with several community partners will host the 4th Annual "Awakening Utah" Walk for Suicide Prevention and Awareness. Our hope is that through this event, the Utah Community will "Awaken" to a new public awareness of suicide prevention and a pro-active commitment to life and living.

Reason Why the Utah Community should help "Awaken" Utah to a new understanding of Suicide Prevention and Awareness

An average of one person will commit suicide every 17.2 minutes in the United States alone.

Over 321 people commit suicide in Utah each year and the numbers are increasing.

Utah ranks 13th in the Nation in suicide rates.

Suicide is the 3rd leading cause of death for young men between the ages of 15 and 24 in Utah, behind accidents (1) and homicide (2).

60% of people who complete suicide have undiagnosed Clinical Depression.

Suicide rates have increased 256% in Utah since 1956.

"Awakening Utah" Walk for Suicide Prevention and Awareness is an event where the general public can be educated about suicide and where friends, parents, loved ones and significant other of suicide completers will have an opportunity to heal publicly.
* Please contact The Mental Health Association in Utah at (801)596-3705 for more information!)

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