Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Why not?

Anonymous said...

Rob, I know you are busy with other projects, but I wish you would reconsider continuing your blog. You have been the only constant and sincere voice coming from party leadership.

We need your voice. We need your leadership.

Utah Democrats are like lobsters in a bucket. One lobster can climb to the top and attempt to escape, but it's not the fisherman that pulls it back down, it's the other lobsters.

Take a break if you need one, but be the lobster that breaks free.

J-MAN said...

I can understand why...tired of all the back stabbing, lack of faith, people who have an axe to grind from the past. Just the general bullshit from people new to the tasks at hand that don't know their ass from a hole in the ground. Maybe people are tired of the shit that runs downhill that should stay at the top of the hill. That is just my opinion and I'm probably not wrong.

cameragirl84109 said...

I am assuming this is Rob Miller, Davis County Demo Chair. I have a photo CD and proofsheet of good Demos in Davis County. May I have mailing address?