Monday, August 25, 2008

A Little Reminder of Why We're in Denver

The goal of the convention is, of course, to get Obama elected in November. Part of Obama's and the Democratic Party's platform is renewable energy, and green collar jobs. To keep things in perspective, here's a bit of McCain's renewable energy record (h/t Wonk Room).
McCain’s record: The renewable energy production tax credit has been key to the growth of the domestic renewable industry by supporting power companies, businesses, and individuals who employ wind, geothermal, solar, and other types of renewable energy. However, the tax credit has been allowed to expire three times in the past decade — in 2004, McCain introduced an amendment that would have eliminated the tax credit entirely. McCain’s continued opposition to the tax credit is putting the renewable electricity industry at risk again:

March 2006 (Vote 42): Voted against extension of tax credits.
March 2007 (Vote 98): Skipped vote to extend tax credits.
June 2007 (Vote 223): Skipped vote to extend tax credits.
December 2007 (Vote 416): Skipped vote to extend tax credits — extension failed by one vote.
February 2008 (Vote 8): Skipped vote to extend tax credits — extension failed by one vote.

Just a reminder of what we're fighting for.

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