Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Monty "Millionaire" Nafoosi: "It's Electric"

Utah Democratic Candidate for Governor, Monty Nafoosi
Nomination Address
Utah State Democratic Convention, 2008


Anonymous said...

Here is a quote from Mr. Nafoosi's web site: “Joseph Smith wanted me to tell you that there should be an electric car in every garage.”

He wants to force a one-time $10,000 tax bill to every Utah homeowner. Then "give" them an electric car.

Is this what it has come to for the Democratic party in Utah? Is this extremism what this blog is about? Why do you promote people like this, while letting J Dell Holbrook twist in the wind with very little help? He is trying to really make a difference in one of the reddest counties in America. His policies are moderate, and he has a real chance to win. Instead you promote Nafoosi?

Like Nafoosi's song said: "Ooooh...Shocking!"

Rob said...

Dear Anonymous,

Thanks for stopping by.

The Nafoosi video is part of a series highlighting our 2008 Utah Democratic Convention. Nafoosi, a recovering Republican, filed to run for governor as a Democrat because he had an idea he wanted to communicate. He said that he ran as a Democrat because he was done with the Republican Party due to President Bush's position on stem cell research, a science that Nafoosi felt was his best, last chance, to walk again.

Maybe you don't know this yet, but Nafoosi's direction was not the direction Democratic delegates chose.

89% of our Democratic delegates chose the "good jobs, good education, good health" gubernatorial candidate, Bob Springmeyer. 0

You can view his nomination address (the post just above Nafoosi's) on this blog, as well as second place finisher Matt Frandsen's informative video on taxation.

Now, about future Commissioner J. Dell Holbrook.

I was the one who asked J. Dell Holbrook to run for Davis County Commissioner. J. Dell has the experience, he is honest, hardworking, and absolutely the best person to put Davis County government back on track.


he is also one of my best friends.

Each individual who decides to run for office understands that they are responsible for their campaign. But, with that said, I can assure you that the Utah Democratic Party is more involved and better able to help our candidates than ever before.

J. Dell Holbrook isn't twisting in the wind at all my friend. He's going to win! And, all of us who live in Davis County are going to be better off when we elect J.Dell Holbrook as our next Davis County Commissioner.

Thanks again for dropping by.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Rob. I appreciate that response, and look forward to your support of J. Dell! Thanks again.

Anonymous said...

The $10,000 one time property tax had nothing to do with the electric car idea, it was an idea to double the value of the average house from $250,000 to $500,000...Unfortuntaley some people don't get it ...thats why I own 56 houses and most people only own one...Thanks for stopping by

Anonymous said...

Yes Bowtie Bob won the convention only to have the Biggest defeat of any candidate for Governor in Utah...Bow-tie Bob refered to Governor Huntsman as a Saint to Utah in His Debate with Huntsman and became the Biggest loser only to be rewarded with a no-bid $110,000 contract re;liquor sales:
Nafoosi now lives in Arizonia where the medical Marijuana laws keep him safe from the Bountiful police knockin his door in..