Thursday, June 05, 2008

Finally, a voice of reason!!

Thanks Rob for inviting me to your blog. We'll leave it to others to judge whether or not it was wise of you! Go Hillary!! (oh sorry, she's done...forgot.)


Anonymous said...


At least give us a picture where you're smiling.


Dude, seriously. Purple? The Jazz have been done for a month!

Anonymous said...

That's me smiling to the right...

Misty Fowler said...

Welcome, Paul!

Rob said...

Welcome Paul.

Anonymous said...

"whether or not it was wise of you!"

I'm about ready to shit my pants!

Paul Freak'n Mero!

I'm shitting my pants!


nah, nah!

Anonymous said...

Cool, "The Voice of Treason!"

This should be fun!

Jason The said...

Welcome, Paul!

Eagerly awaiting the Jason/Paul blogpost debates of Aught-8.