Monday, May 19, 2008

Amicus Morning Edition


Jeremy said...
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Jeremy said...

I don't know...

Orrin doesn't seem like the bad guy in the story behind that link. I'm actually very impressed because it is uncommon for any description of Hatch as a weener to be inaccurate.

The real weeners on this issue are the jokers who whine about our dependence on foreign oil while at the same time bitching every time there is talk of tapping a domestic source. Democrats don't deserve to be taken seriously if they remain in the obstructionist camp on increased oil development.

Anonymous said...

Right on, Jeremy. Well said!

Anonymous said...

Ya right, it's the Democrats fault that oil has gonr sky high. The real obstructionists are the GOP leaders who have used 9-11 as a means to bring record profits to Big Oil.

Jason The said...

Jeremy, I have to respectfully disagree. There is no oil shortage. If there were, scrambles to tap new sources would be justified. But there is no shortage. There will be, one day, but not today.

And the possible risks of our continued dependency on oil present a set of possible concerns much greater than anticipating that future shortage.

Orrin is simply furthering an outdated notion. I think we need leaders with a bit more vision.

Jeremy said...


I don't recall mentioning that shortages were a problem.

Domestic production promises to be a long term problem even as we are now faced with a short term glut in supply and a bubble in the world oil market.

The fantasy that obstructing efforts to expand our domestic supply of oil and natural gas will somehow magically reduce our dependency on those commodities is irresponsible and at the heart of the lack of seriousness charge I leveled at Democrats earlier.