Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Supply-siders spend $5.1 MILLION on Failed Voucher Campaign

Of the many lessons to be learned from the voucher fight, here's a particularly simple one:

"Don't believe a supply-sider pleading poverty."

How many times did we hear from voucher apologists that the evil Union was brainwashing hapless Utah voters with untold millions and if only it were a fair fight that Utahns could be freed from stifling mediocrity, atheist hoards, liberal conspirators, and power-hungry Educrats.

During the campaign, Greg Hughes sobbed a bucket of tears to the Deseret News:

"But we can't compete with the millions of dollars the NEA is dumping into TV ads now."

This talking point in all its varieties was repeated ad nauseum up and down the state. Everywhere you turned, it was David vs. Goliath. Exhausted from their pilgrim's journey, supermajority Republican leadership formed a Bully Pulpit Political Issues Committee (officially known as the Informed Voter PIC) to bravely counter the Socialist Infiltrators.

As you know, ultimately, the supply-siders laid an egg. But it was an expensive egg. According to the latest official reports, the supply-side voucher campaign racked up a 5.1 MILLION DOLLAR BILL. This is 2 MILLION DOLLARS more than the total spent by the anti-voucher campaign.

To put it in perspective, 2 million dollars is more than NINETY DOLLARS PER UTAH TEACHER. It makes you wonder what the pro-voucher folks would have done had they NOT been so strapped for cash!

So here's the recap:
(1) Pro-voucher side pleads poverty.
(2) Pro-voucher side outspends anti-voucher side by more than 60%.
(3) Pro-voucher side loses.

My follow-up question is:
What will item (4) be?

will it be:
(4) Utahns promptly forget hypocrisy of pro-voucher side, vote for them again.

- or -

(4) ???

What is your prediction?

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