Thursday, December 06, 2007

Please Santa, Please!


Anonymous said...

Hey Rob is that Car Eco Freindly? Because If it Isn't I'm going to Call Al Gore to Chew you Out.

Anonymous said...

why would anyone want to buy this piece of american made crap ?

Please..give me something that is made outside the USA, that won't fall apart.

Cameron said...

'57 Corvette convertible. Now that's a car.

Anonymous said...

Hey Rob if you were a (republican rich business man) you don't have to ask Santa for that car, all you have to do is ask the Republican Legislature for the car and say it's for "Economic Development" and they'll give you our tax dollars.

They like taking from the poor to give to the rich.

Rob said...


Please call Mr. Gore, and let him know I'm dreaming of a eco-friendly Mustang.

BTW Randy, I eat meat too.

Anonymous, I would also really like a Porsche or a convertible Lexus.

Cameron, I absolutely agree.

Democrat, Is that how Rep. Tilton got his Hummer?

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous, I would also really like a Porsche or a convertible Lexus."

Much better taste Rob - as long as it is not made by american union auto workers - those are great cars..II just bought a used Lexus that just came off lease and you can get one for 45K - it's not that expensive

Annie said...

That looks like a great car, but I just want Santa to fix my playStation!

Anonymous said...

Citizens should once again embrace Unions so the fascist don't take over.

Anonymous said...

Dear Santa, excuse me, I mean Oprah,

Please give Rob a car. He's very, very nice man and can even afford to pay the taxes as long as it's not Huckabee's fair tax. That's a little steep on a car.


PS. Loved your speech in SC today!

Anonymous said...

Rob Rep. Tilton got his hummer in the mens restroom.