Thursday, November 01, 2007

Tribune poll: Anti-school vouchers camp has 20-point lead

A Salt Lake Tribune poll found little hope for the implementation of Utah's education voucher program that must be approved by voters in a referendum Tuesday.

The poll, conducted by the Washington, D.C.-based Mason-Dixon Polling & Research, asked: If you were voting today, would you vote "FOR" or "AGAINST" the voucher bill taking effect?

Fifty-six percent of likely voters polled said they would vote against vouchers while 36 percent said they would vote in support of vouchers.

Only 8 percent remained undecided.

The program, which would provide vouchers for private school tuition of $500 to $3,000, depending on income level, narrowly passed in the Legislature. An opposition petition drive last summer forced it into a referendum, where it will be decided Tuesday by voters.

The media campaign, including a blitz of TV and radio spots, to sway Utahns for or against the issue has consumed $8.5 million so far. Most of the opposition cash has come from teachers unions. Most of the supporters' cash comes from chief executive Patrick Byrne.


Anonymous said...

Those who oppose vouchers are driven by the same philosophy that motivates socialists – they suffer from the sins of envy, ambition, malice and spitefulness. –

The NEA and the unions who oppose vouchers are crafty, manipulative and hypocritical.

Anonymous said...

Those who oppose vouchers are driven by truth, justice, and the American way.

Those leaders (not the everyday Utahn Republican) who approve of vouchers suffer from the sins of envy, ambition, malice, spitefulness, and hypocrisy.

The statement above is just another example of a paid-for, out-of-state PCE goon looking in the mirror, seeing their reflection, and then trying to pin their sins on those who are fighting for truth.

Israel said...

How is it truth to deny parents the choice in how their children are educated? This is not truth to the Declaration of Independence nor to the U.S. Constitution. America is not the Soviet Union nor Red China. Parents ought to have the freedom to choose the education that best meets the needs of the individual child. What truth is there that overides this basic freedom?

Anonymous said...

--begin snark--

You are either with the rich people that want our tax dollars to send their kids to private school or you are with the terrorists. Simple as that. Also let it be known that another puppy dies for every vote against vouchers.

--end snark--

Anonymous said...

To voucher proponents: Who is denying choice? Who is standing at your door in the morning, grabbing your kids and forcing them to public schools?

It's not about choice. It's looking for a handout. They're your kids, your responsibility so use your money.

No to vouchers

Anonymous said...

Dont uou liberals get it. Us republicans are better looking and smarter then you.

So the state of utah should give me $3000.00 each year, so that my kids wont have to go to school withyour kids.

Just think, some day when you win the lottery, you'll be able to send your kids to private schools too.

Anonymous said...

Dont uou liberals get it. Us republicans are better looking and smarter then you.

So the state of utah should give me $3000.00 each year, so that my kids wont have to go to school withyour kids.

Just think, some day when you win the lottery, you'll be able to send your kids to private schools too.