Former Republican Mayor Nancy Workman in her Mugshot when she was booked for two felonies
After already receiving a 10% increase in her budget, Salt Lake County DA Lohra Miller, stomped her feet at Mayor Corroon today in a press conference as if she had not received enough allowance or a new car for her 16th birthday. She claims that she desperately needs a 26% increase in her budget instead of her already allocated 10%. Unlike most experienced managers, Miller's antics shows her naivete about the county budget. A 26% increase is unheard of in county politics, you cannot even efficiently hire the people in a sound manner to support 26%. Miller received authorization for several new employees in June and did not get them hired until October. Meanwhile 15 of the office's most experienced Prosecutors left the office because of her abusive managerial style. For 16 years DA David Yocom operated the office without ever getting an increase in his budget. Miller's demands reveal her inability to manage within the budget historically offered to the office. Her motivation is pure self-aggrandizement and political in nature.
Perhaps, her political theater is the brainchild of John Rosenthal, the former high ranking deputy to Nancy Workman, who is now Miller's top advisor. Workman, who never found a piece of county property that didn't deserve to have her name and face plastered all over it, was accused of rampant cronyism and managerial incompetence.
Maybe Miller is trying to distract the public by attacking Mayor Corroon because she is embroiled in her own political scandals:
Now, it's not all bad. Just look at all the fun we had with Nancy Workman. (Sigh.) Lohra Miller is a gift to Utah political bloggers. If Gill had gotten in, it would be as big a chore to find something to blog about as it is with Workman's successor. ("Aha! Corroon wore the same tie twice in one week!")
"Now, it's not all bad. Just look at all the fun we had with Nancy Workman."
We had, We had, what a POS comment to make. Lest you forget, Ms Workman was found not guilty.
You Democrats are a real piece of work
I am not gay. I have never been gay.
While scrolling down I thought this post was going to be about Patrick Byrne.
Way to lead by example Mark. Truly inspired post. Nothing makes a person seem intelligent like cursing.
It's all about elevating the conversation
Is it true that there was not an increase in the DA's budget for 16 years?
I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I smell a double standard here.
What are we really saying here, "DA Miller needs to hitch up her skirt and get the work done, and simply be grateful for the budget increase that she has received". I wonder if Ms. Miller were a Democrat and Corroon a Repug, would there be as much rancor towards her request for more funds? We should also grant that her request for more funding is likely a valid need, even if the increase in funding is an impossiblity with SL County's limited resources.
If voters would have had this author's response to Referendum One -- vouchers may have passed. During the legisltive session in which vouchers were passed into law, public schooing was the beneficiary of the largest increase in education funding in state's history. Public schools and parents should have graciously accepted the money and the fact that some money was allocated to fund vouchers as well -- right?
Yocom probably operated underfunded for years, and although I will admit I am naive about county finances, I'd assume the DA's office would have operated more soundly with at least a few funding increases over 16 years, and Yocom might still have a job.
Having said all that, I'm not really looking for a fight. Nancy Workman was a joke, and as far as I can tell Ms. Miller is no JFK either. However, on this issue I'm guessing Ms. Miller may see a legitimate funding need which Mayor Corroon can't fully meet.
That's all I'll say, as a southern Utah man I'm mostly indifferent to SL county politics and I probably should stay indifferent on this issue.
My sources are telling me there maybe cuts to county libraries and a few other agencies to hire additional attys.
Corroon is going to loose this one and the swing vote will be Jenny Wilson – who is very angry at the Mayor for not giving her more support and not campaigning for her during the SLC mayoral primaries.
DA Gets Funding to Hire More Attorneys
November 13th, 2007 @ 4:05pm
A day after pleading publicly for more prosecutors, Salt Lake County District Attorney Lohra Miller has snatched enough funding from the Salt Lake County Council to hire four more attorneys.
Miller says the increase in staff will help her office deal with the county's rising criminal caseload.
She had requested an extra $3 million to hire up to nine new prosecutors and 31 additional employees.
Miller will have to settle for $1.3 million.
Miller sounds like she just wants "Big Government."
You need to find all the Republican state legislatures mug shots, that over that past 20 years have resigned, after being charged for soliciting male prostitutes.
Who smiles for their mug shot anyway?
Some of these politicians are so unreal.
I'm 6'4" 19 years old. I have a Harley and I like blondes in leather. I like to party, get drunk, and read anything by William Shatner. Maybe you and Mr. Miller would like to go boating with me and my gal. She's only 17, but who'll know?
I'll bring the beer-bong, and you can bring the chips.
Big Guy:
Leave your girlfriend at home, and I'll go with ya.
Joe said...
Way to lead by example Mark. Truly inspired post. Nothing makes a person seem intelligent like cursing.
Another anonymous poster that does not have the guts to use their own identity.
Cursing, only in your dirty mind Joe
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