Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Why Brother Cookie Monster Loves Vouchers

Centerville Citizen is a Democrat: More Oreos for the Eyres
Wonder why Richard Eyre is making those dumb Oreo ads? Seems the Eyres should disclose the fact they are planning on openning a chain of private schools to be subsidized by Utah's new voucher law if it takes effect. More Oreos for the Eyres.
WP's post reminded me of this statement by Joseph Bast of the Heartland Institute:
"Early voucher bills may move us only slowly toward separation. They may include provisions that temporarily prolong the power of unions, school boards, and other remnants of the socialist regime; limit the number of students who can participate; set voucher amounts too low; and place restrictions on qualifying schools. But once established, those programs will be broadened.

Vouchers offer a halfway house to wean the public from their addiction to government provision of education. By removing institutional barriers to privatization and setting in motion a dynamic that ensures further movement toward competition and choice, vouchers are a necessary step toward complete separation."
Joseph Bast
President, The Heartland Institute

Brother Cookie Monster and PCE doesn't just want your Oreos, they want your Chips Ahoy, and Nilla Wafers too.


Anonymous said...

"Brother Cookie Monster"! I love it!

Rob, you really do have the best political blog in Utah, and the best voucher blog.

I'm voting no because private means private, and because I agree with your opinion that parents for choice is bad news.

UtahTeacher said...

Senator Bramble is a "Legislative Advisor" to Heartland Institute. They also have a couple anti-voucher guys on the roll, so maybe it's nothing. But it doesn't look good that HB 148's sponsor is linked to this group while claiming the bill will help public schools.

This essay from Bast is full of the vouchers "wean" the public from public school stuff. It also admits on pg. 8-9 that the private school superiority stuff isn't true. Though he claims it's because public schools are "lavishly" funded.

UtahTeacher said...

Whoops. Here's the link: