With the onslaught of Parents for Choice In Education's literature and media buys, here's your handy pocket guide to understanding what they're really saying. For a fun game, say "ding" each time you encounter one of these phrases:
Bureaucrat = An elected public official or staff member under his or her direction who disagrees with PCE.
Innovating Pioneer = An elected public official or staff member under his or her direction who agrees with PCE.
Union = A group of underpaid teachers who apparently wield mind-bending control over students, parents and legislators.
Union Thug = Anyone who belongs to a union who is intelligent and thus a threat.
Liberal = A catch-all term to characterize anyone or anything for which PCE doesn’t like.
Socialist, Communist, Fascist = See Liberal.
Moderate Republican = A Republican who disagrees with PCE and therefore must be removed from office.
Monopoly = Meaningless but effective scare-word describing the fact that public education is indeed run by the public.
Educrat = A principal, superintendant, school board member, or staff member who disagrees with PCE.
Silver Bullet = what Patrick Byrne says he would like to use to shoot the teacher’s union.
Strategic Campaigning = Lying to suit your agenda.
Privatization of Public Education = The ideology embraced by the free-market think-tanks that bankroll voucher initiatives. Extremely unpopular, which is why it’s not in the talking points.
Activist Judges = Ironic phrase describing the conservative Utah Supreme Court after they issued a smack-down on PCE’s attempt to invalidate the petition drive.
School Choice = Manufactured catch-phrase intended to legitimize vouchers by lumping them in with more popular, accountable academic programs (such as charters, magnets, and open enrollment).
Anti-Choice = Someone who supports public schools, private schools, homeschooling, charters, magnets, open enrollment, special-focus schools, and perhaps even vouchers, but who disagrees with the flawed, unaccountable, swiss-cheese voucher bill passed under duress.
Enemy of School Choice = Someone who opposes vouchers.
Government Schools = Public Schools (but it sounds worse when you say “Government Schools”)
Government = The people (but it sounds worse when you say “Government”)
Impartial Analysis on Referendum #1 = Dangerous document produced by the state which proves that vouchers will cost far more than they will save and are at risk for being held unconstitutional.
Liberal Entitlement Program = Any program which grows the size of government—except for vouchers.
Your link to the "Impartial Analysis" paper is mucked up a bit. Just letting you know.
Awesome post.
The links are now fixed - thanks for the heads up!
This great!
The perfect soundbite vocabulary of voucher conservatives.
Great Post.
My only recommended change would be to replace the phrase "say 'ding'" with "take a shot." I know I often need a drink after hearing PCE spew its propaganda.
For those of you that choose not to drink hard stuff, I recommend a Diet Coke - caffeine free of course :)!
Craig, will you consider adding their new catch phrase, "anti-Choice" along with the correct definition?
I have two more:
Libertarian terms for a bake sale
Proactive Market Forces:
a) A libertarian approach to funding education
b) use a bake sale to raise funds that the state should be providing
Schools shouldn’t rely on the state for additional funding – they should look within themselves to find it.
Definition: Want new school books – hold a bake
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