Utah citizens were rightly offended by Paul Mero's
Public Education = Slavery essay (see my original
response here). But this is nothing compared to The Sutherland Institute's latest religion-meets-politics diatribe. Paul Mero, self-appointed Church authority, has encapsulated all of his hatred and disrespect for opposing viewpoints in a
slick, 44-page package of twisted history, all in the name of promoting vouchers. Apparently, if we do not embrace vouchers, Latter-Day Saints may be at risk for "cultural extinction."
WARNING - if you read it, you will feel sick. That's because it's wrong.
NOTE - Unless the Church speaks on this issue (and it hasn't), I will continue to stand with my LDS and non-LDS friends, Republican, Democrat, and Independent, and vote against this flawed voucher bill. I am no less of a saint and no less of an American for doing so.
In the immortal words of Bart Simpson, "Ay Carumba." Mero's attempts at re-writing history is almost comical. I love this quote,
"During the latter half of the nineteenth century, these three political forces – a Klan-led common- identity advocates, industrial tycoons, and utopian egalitarians – united behind the public school movement."
There you have it, public education was the tool of the Klu Klux Klan.
Reading the Sutherland Institute is like getting polls in the mail asking for money.
"Do agree that too much government is bad?"
"Do you agree that family values are good?"
"Do you prefer to pay more taxes or less taxes?"
What is funny is just how hard Mero tries to sound intelligent. However, it doesn't take much to see through his rhetoric unless you spent your time in public education sluffing.
44 pages?
Maybe I have ADD, but can someone provide a cliffs notes version of this for all of us that don't have the time or inclination to read the whole thing?
Dear All,
These comments are off the hook, even for you guys.
If there is anything that is incorrect or not factual in the essay, I would be happy to address it for you.
For those of you who cannot seem to read anything longer than a hiccup, there is an Executive Summary at the very front of it.
Best, PTM
hatred and disrespect
I didn't sense that in the Sutherland essay, but I sure sense it here.
The next eight weeks are going to be interesting. We need to disagree effectively without scorching the earth between us. We're all human and we all do it, but maybe we could remind each other: No one here is crazy. Most are fairly bright. Most of us are motivated by the right things. We just disagree on how to get there.
Paul - at least Craig posted a decent picture.
Did we read the same document? Cultural extinction, KKK, us vs. them, etc., etc., etc. That divisive rhetoric is simply not interesting to me.
"Armchair Prophet" was kind.
Rob is to be thanked for the fine picture :-)
Again, tell me where you think I am incorrect in any of the history or other facts and I will address it for you.
You are right to pick up on the divisiveness in the history...the point is that it was largely the result of public school proponents. And I can readily admit that it takes two to tango.
Best, PTM
Classic faux nostalgia--things were not better in the 1800s. Just because our pioneers lacked the infrastructure to reach the ideals that were brought forth by an admirable progressive education movement does not mean that we should wistfully look back.
Paul, you claim that free public education trounces on rights of minorities. Why is this such a problem when it happens to white LDS students but not when any every other fathomable violation of rights occurs that the Sutherland Institute calls abhorent when the "secualar" ACLU defends them.
Yank your kids out of the schools and pay for and educate them yourself. I don't care, but I won't pay for your "class" at home.
Your a coward, and you have no right to compare yourself to a "saint.".
You disrespected Paul Mero who is an honest, bright, kind man. Now you don't have the guts to even answer his question. When are you are you liberal wife going to shut your traps?
Phil C.
I meant you AND your liberal wife. GO AWAY Craig, we are sick of your posting on every blog on the planet. You and your wife are busy body Libs who continue to preach "Mormons can be liberals too" drivel. Please would you guys just shut it? I pray for the love of all that is decent and holy that she isn't thinking of running again in our fair city...
Have we met? I'm actually moderate-to-conservative, but compared with Sutherland I suppose most folks would be "liberal."
Paul Mero's essay weaves prophetic revelation (which I cherish) with biased, anti-anything-but-ultraconservative political opinion, all wrapped up in a false sense of moral authority. If you think I am a coward, how about hiding your biases behind the prophets and apostles? How is that not cowardly?
The document is a divisive piece and I reject it. The society we enjoy here (both LDS and non-LDS) is the result of compromise and shared responsibility for all.
And, for the record, I have *never* said that Paul shouldn't express his opinion. I'm simply disagreeing with it (strongly, yes), but I defend his right to say it. You don't like what I'm saying, which is fine, but in addition you demand that I shut my mouth. Are you saying that only those who agree with you should speak?
Request to stay silent denied.
I just read it last night and had some of the same reactions -- the dishonesty in it is as much about the real historical facts he excluded as the slant that was put on the quotes from historical figures.
Dear all,
I'll say it again, tell me where you think it is incorrect or not factual. I'll now add, tell me where it is "slanted."
It is all documented...even the KKK references...obi wan liberali.
There are better ways to have this conversation and I am happy to personally meet with any one of you.
Best, PTM
BTW, for the Referendum One blogger from Accountability First, I posted twice on your site regarding the Standard-Examiner op-ed and, for some strange reason, my comments never got posted???
Just an oversight? Or a glich in the "free speech to all" ideology?
YOU A CONSERVATIVE!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I just love that some people because they oppose some abortions and may or may not approve of gay marriage depending on the time of day consider themselves
"conservatve." Yes we have met in passing during your wife's failed campaign in Draper, I did not vote for her.
You irritate me with your cocky "I am right you are wrong" attitude. You still have not had the integrity or the guts to answer Paul; ergo your a coward.
I dare you to challenge him in an open debate. You would get your ever loving head handed to you on a platter, but you wont do it. You would rather hide in your little techy world where words have no consequences and you can say whatever you want with out fear of being told your a moron.
Wake up and read something besides the Salt Lake Tribune. Read about the constitution, the founding fathers, and about how Brigham Young and ALL early church leaders opposed government ran schools.
Read how public schools are indeed one of the MAIN PLANKS of communism spoken about in the Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx. Did you know that? Or dont you even care? Yes, Karl Marx himself said that public schools is one of the ways to bring about communism. It is easy to see why. In public school the NEA can work to brainwash our kids into being mindless sheep to the government.
Speaking of the NEA what do you think about the fact that they support sex education which encourages "tolerance and ACCEPTANCE of homosexual lifestyles?" How abou the fact that they are one of the biggest donors to planned parenthood, which happens to be the BIGGEST abortion service provider in the country?
Now you libs can bury your head in the sand and call this "cheap or dirty" tactics but truth is truth regardless if you agree or not. Quit covering your eyes and read the NEA 2007 platform. What I have said is a FACT, but you and all your friends will call it a lie. you are AFRAID of the truth Craig.
Find out what a conservative REALLY is. You saying that you are conservative, again proved that you are a coward. you see, you are NOT conservative but are afraid to stand up and admit your a liberal. At the very least be true to yourself Craig! Your a liberal, own it and accept it. Its like you are living in a lie. Your issues are liberal, your stances are liberal, but when pushed you claim to be a moderate/conservative. I have more respect for Hillary Clinton who at the very least is a PROUD liberal.
By the way who you supporting for president. I hope it is not a person who supports partial birth abortion, gay marriage, socialism, and gay rights. Otherwise what good is your so called "conservativism?" You stood by your words and I shall do the same. You a coward, liberal activist.
Phil C.
Quite the post. You've repeatedly stated that you believe me to be a coward - I get it already! You're free to defend your case but the ongoing namecalling is getting out of hand.
I don't have the time right now to rebut a 44-page document. You can read my rebuttal of Paul's 5-page slavery argument on this blog.
Now, to your points. First, I said I am a moderate that leans conservatively on many issues, particularly social issues. I have many liberal and conservative friends and I'm comfortable with where I stand and can say that overall I am a moderate relative to their views.
You have linked public schools to communism and you talk of the NEA brainwashing children to become government sheep. Are you truly saying that someone must hold this viewpoint or else they are to be labeled a "liberal"?
Are you saying that conservatives in general hold this view? If so, I must tell my conservative friends who are reasonable people that they need to find another moniker.
You might want to take a look at politicalcompass.org. I've shared this with many folks and it can be quite enlightening to see where you stand on the spectrum.
The viewpoints of church leaders in the 1800's really have little to do with the concerns of our modern society. I believe in a church that has ongoing revelation. This is at the core of my faith and governs my life. As it stands today, the church does not speak out against public schools. Many bishops and stake presidents work in public education as teachers, principals, and superintendants without a "loss of identity." With the success of the release-time seminary program, we as a society have struck a meaningful and workable compromise.
To have church-run schools now would divide this state like nothing else could.
To suggest that vouchers are a means of purification to me is deeply ironic. Attendance at a private school that happens to teach LDS philosophies is no guarantee that what is taught is legitimate doctrine. With the seminary program, we have a guarantee that the curriculum is sanctioned by the church. Handing over taxpayer dollars to a Mormonesque private school, however well the intentions of the owners, does not further the mission of the church in any way. It does not originate from the church and their efforts are not sanctioned by the church. To me, it is as near a guarantee as I can tell that tenets that are *not* doctrinal will at some point be passed on to the kids.
If you want to engage in further namecalling, then I'm through for now. If you'd like to discuss the issues further, feel free to continue the debate.
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