Political insights by columnist Paul Rolly.
"What is the greatest problem facing public service today?" the young Republican governor asked the old Democrat. Without a pause, Rampton replied: "The lack of civility. People don't dare cross the political divide. The system has become too darn mean."

To read Paul Rolly's The Passing of Wisdom click here
times change . to be civil is to be weak .... look at what Karl Rove achieved and those civil dodn't
blah blah blah
we have a president with the *lowest* approval rating EVER.
karl rove may have a great big list of powerful republican clients, but the whole freakin republican party is falling apart.
meanness begats arrogance which begats corruption...
abramoff...delay...cunningham...craig...gonzales...blackwater and nobid contracts...
do I need to go on?
Civility is strength. It is a quality you can take with you into the afterlife.
When George Bush goes down as the worst President ever we will then see what Rove has sewn.
Anon does have a point ..republicans are mosre combative and tend to achieve in legislative priorities..it's not always pretty and I disagree with a lot of it..but they have discpline...democrats don't..and they get the job done
Civility is what we need. Ask any average person on the street and they will tell you that they are frustrated with the system because it feels like ideologue politicians are too busy fighting and standing on their own side of the political divide instead of really trying to work together to come up with solutions that make a difference.
Too many times a politician will defend a political position, no matter how flawed, because it is the politically expedient thing to do.
Too many times politicians are interested in making a political point instead of doing what is right for their constituents.
I agree with Cal Rampton - it is all too divisive and not a whole lot of fun. Seems like our electeds get more kudos for "mud slinging" than they do for working to solve our problems.
The peacemaker enver gets any credit. I guess that's why they crucified Jesus.
Wow. A bold call for public civility from a truly great man who has just passed and those first four comments are what we get. No wonder we're in so much trouble.
Civility looses elections ... just look at elections going back to the 1980's..it is sad but true.
Don't underestimate the power of the dark side. Karl Rove didn't succeed in 8 years of Republican presidency because he was a "uniter."
Karl Rove is a brillant man
Karl Rove is evil
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