Thursday, August 23, 2007

Democrats commend Huntsman’s efforts to investigate mine disaster

SALT LAKE CITY – The Utah Democratic Party applauds the initiative of Gov. Jon Huntsman Jr. in laying the groundwork for an independent panel to investigate the Crandall Canyon Mine tragedy and make recommendations to ensure mine-worker safety in Utah.

“Gov. Huntsman should be commended for his efforts on behalf of the miners and their families,” said Wayne Holland, party chairman. “This is a time when Utah Democrats and Republicans can stand together to do what needs to be done to prevent another tragedy.”

Members of Utah’s congressional delegation did just that when they voted unanimously for the MINER Act of 2006 (Mine Improvement and New Emergency Response). In a speech last year, Democratic Congressman Jim Matheson, who represents Utah’s mine country, called the legislation “the first substantial overhaul of nation’s mining laws in almost three decades and is an essential step to remedying the many health and safety shortfalls facing coal miners today.” Utah’s Republicans echoed Matheson’s sentiments when they voted to enact the bill.

However, the House Committee on Education and Labor released a preliminary report in March that said the Mine Safety and Health Administration under Richard Stickler has been too slow in implementing the MINER Act. Stickler has been in charge of MSHA’s safety oversight at the Crandall Canyon Mine since the mine’s collapse on Aug. 7.

“We are concerned about Stickler’s ability to hold mining companies truly accountable,” said Holland. “He has maintained a high profile throughout this ordeal and appears concerned. But given his track record, we can only disagree with Sen. Hatch when he characterizes Stickler as ‘very competent.’ Hatch says Stickler has done his best. Well, his best has not been good enough for nine Utah miners and their families.”

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