Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Happy 4th of July from Southern Utah

This letter to the editor appeared in today's Spectrum. It's a good read from St. George resident Ray Holt. I am a proud and patriotic Utah Democrat, just like Ray... and I need to stand up and say it more.

I am passing his good letter along to you with some good old fashioned Cedar City fireworks.

Happy 4th of July,

Democrats serve beside Republicans

This current administration has squandered opportunities, notably 9/11, to bring this country together. However, because of its actions and policies the opposite has happened. This country is divided.

According to many in the GOP, it is "us against them."

This is evident in the recent letter to the editor by a retired Navy serviceman. He indicates that all Democrats are only pretending to be patriotic.

We are fortunate in this country to have different views on many things, politics being one of them. However, I found his letter to be personally offensive to me. I am an active Democrat.

I have been involved in the process for about four years and served as a delegate to the state of Utah Democratic Party. I can tell you from personal experience that Democrats love this country. We care about the direction of this country and we care about the men and women who defend our way of life overseas.

The difference is we have different ideas then the GOP. This does not make us less patriotic. Guess what? We have Democrats in our Armed Forces. They fight right along side Republicans ... Love of country crosses all political lines, race and social class.

Raymond Holt
St. George


Rob said...

Great post Emily

Emily said...

Happy 4th, Rob. :-) Oh, I guess now it's the 5th.

Anonymous said...

Emily and Rob,
why are you up so late?
just kidding, I'm the old guy that goes to bed early.
Great post!
I have never understood how someone can claim that another is not patriotic. But, I guess there are people who think that by putting on a "Support the Troops" ribbon magnets on their car qualifies them to be patriotic. I always thought that any type of service to your country was being patriotic and patriotism knows no political party.

Emily said...


Cause I'm the worst night owl. ;-)

Creative juices get flowing in the middle of the night, I think.

Happy summer!