Thursday, June 21, 2007

Fred Thompson: Another Presidential Candidate “Born Yesterday?”

Written by Aaron Thompson

Recently Fred Thompson played the audience of the Tonight Show for a fool by allowing them a thespian crafted taste of the Republican Presidential process. Fred Thompson recently appeared to wet the taste buds of the obviously Republican host, the media and a few Republican cronies to simply let the Tonight Show viewers know that Fred Thompson is in "exploratory" mode to run for President of the United States.

However, the general American public wasn't fooled by Thompson’s Exploratory Presidential shenanigans and political posturing for a position on the Republican ticket in 2008. Fred Thompson like the character he played in the 1993 film adaptation of “Born Yesterday” is attempting the role of his life as he conjures up his thespian expertise to convince the general public that he is indeed a "Washington Outsider."

Unfortunately for Thompson the political intelligence of the American public wasn’t "born yesterday" as they understand that for decades he played the role of a Washington D.C. insider and lobbyist. Over the past few years Thompson earned $760,000 for effectively playing the lobbyist role on behalf of Equitas seeking to limit liability claims for asbestos related cases. As well Thompson played a significant role to the supposed working class hero when he hosted various fundraisers for the Scooter Libby Legal Defense Fund. When asked by Sean Hannity if he would pardon Libby, Thompson remarked with vigor stating, “Absolutely.”

In 1994 a New York Times article the movie industry characterized Thompson’s roles as “someone who can personify governmental power.” But can Thompson convince the American public that they need another Washington D.C. insider turned lobbyist, turned actor, turned civil servant to fulfill their dire needs? Can Thompson shirk the Washington D.C. insider image and play the facade of an outside the beltway President that wasn’t “Born Yesterday?”


Anonymous said...

Why isn't Fred Thompson considered to be one of the "Hollywood Elitists "?
Answer: Because he is a Republican.

Anonymous said...

I would vote for Fred over any of the Democrat buffons running, especially that wacko Richardson

Anonymous said...

nice attitude, there, anon.

you would vote for someone who was involved in one of the biggest political financial scandals of the decade?

priorities are whacked.

Aaron Thompson said...

Anonymous is anonymous because the post writer is ashamed to take a public stance to openly support a horrible Presidential candidate. Come out of the closet and passionately stand behind your Republican candidate.

Anonymous said...

In a make-believe heroic nation it follows that we would fall over actors who play make-believe heroes. Make believe play-actors like Arnold and make-believe play presidents like G.W. Bush march under the republican banner because of its proud tradition of make-believe virtue, righteousness and honor. So we elect people who pretend to be what they aren't so that we can continue living in the fantasy of what we like to think we are--a fair democracy, land of equal opportunity, upholder of justice and freedom--which we aren't. It's all make-believe because we are still a child nation. Central casting is looking for a pretend strong guy who'll protect and reassure us, just like the perfect dad. When we grow up we'll not need to pretend anymore.