Sunday, February 25, 2007


In 2002, Rulon Gardner was stranded overnight in the Wyoming wilderness while snowmobiling losing a toe to frostbite.

In 2004, he was involved in a motorcycle accident when a car struck him, causing him to flip over the car and onto the pavement.

Yesterday, Gardner was with two friends when their small plane crashed into Lake Powell. Not only did they survive the crash, but all three men endured the swim to shore in 44 degree water, and a long, cold night until they were rescued by a passing fisherman. All three man were treated for were treated for severe hypothermia.

It seems that Rulon Gardner is "Unbreakable!"

KSL: Olympic Wrestler Survives Plane Crash into Lake Powell

KUTV: Rulon Gardner Survives Plane Crash At LAke Powell

KTVX: Rulon Gardner Survives Plane Crash at Lake Powell


Emily said...

Wow, it almost feels like hubris to even make a comment about this!! Lucky!!

Alice said...

It seems like Rulon Gardner needs to take up less risky hobbies...

Anonymous said...

using up those nine lives fast