Senate Democrats to Oppose HB148 Education Vouchers
Salt Lake City, UT – Februay 8, 2007: Senate Democratic Leader Mike Dmitrich (D-Price) announced that the Utah State Senate Democrats will be holding a press conference to discuss their opposition to HB148 Education Vouchers on Friday, February 9, 2007 at 12:00 Noon in front of the West Building of the State Capitol Complex, weather permitting (alternate location: the conference room at the Senate Minority Office in Room W225 of the State Capitol Complex).
Glad to see the Democrats thinking conservatively for once. :)
This is sad; there are a lot democrats who live in SLC who send their kids to private schools who want this legislation passed.
As a democrat, all I can say is….what are you thinking????
I'm glad that the Dems are showing a little backbone here.
There are a decent amount of Republicans who support education and aren't the cut and run type on it too.
As a Republican a few days ago, I had to say, "What were you thinking?
Anonymous -
What is stopping you from sending your kids to private school? YOu can send your kids anywhere you want.
He DOES already. He wants to rest of us to chip in though for his personal choice.
I want to send my kids to public schools. I don't like private schools.
Don't let the Republican leadership in the senate shut down the phones like they did in the house to pass this bait and switch bill.
Same Old, Same Old, Same Old.
Can't you Democrats come up with something better?
The Sky is Falling, The Sky is Falling.
You guys have called Wolf toooo many times now, and he finally has bitten you in the (G-rating, behind), (PG-13 ASS)
They Vote Today and it will be over.
With new laws to regulate school clubs and vouchers parents are finally taking back control of their child's education from UEA indoctrintated teachers.
Parents know what's best for their children, not teachers. Teachers should just do as the parents want..not what the Hillary Clinto influenced UEA wants
Rob - make sure to let us know how the press conference went - I wanted to be there, but we've got sick kids at home, and my fabulous husband can only tag-team so much.
So that's what's wrong with's "the Hillary Clinto influenced UEA"
All this time I thought is was those Soviet Tanks in our neighborhoods and those darn UN black helicopters spying on us.
I'm sure glad we have some right wingers to set us straight. At least you give us something to laugh at.
So, Hillary influences Utah teachers...that is funny stuff.
You see Richard, it's almost like these vouchers are more of an opportunity to get back at the big bad UEA than anything.
If one were to REALLY look at teachers in Utah, one would find that there are many who are members of the predominate faith and other Christian faiths. A great many in my area want NOTHING to do with politics as they have other things on their minds like their students and families.
It makes me actually wonder about the people behind the vouchers. We, who oppose vouchers now have to give our tax dollars to them to use for personal choices.
The UEA has very little to do with me as a teacher. They don't sponsor "indoctrination" seminars or the like. And as far as "indoctrination" better put on yoru tin foil hat. Look at the programs many teachers come from in Utah--BYU, Utah State, UVSC, SUU, U of U, Westminster, and increasingly BYU Idaho. Most of those are hardly bastions of liberalism.
I'm a Republican Bill, and I could come up with a LOT of things we could do rather than cut and run on education.
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