Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Chairman Greene

Recently ordained Utah GOP Chairman Enid Greene who has only been chairman for a few days has already lost two seats under her rein.

That's no way to start a love affair now is it.


Anonymous said...

PLEASE, Republican party, elect Neocon Enid as your Chair. We'll be happy to collect more election victories as the moderate majority continues to see just how out of touch the far-right is with traditional Utah values.

Go Enid!!!

Rob said...

Yes Mr. Cornholio, I lost my election, and you are correct, Enid had nothing to do with the turn around.

Wayne Holland and I saw Enid yesterday up at the Hinkley Institute. Wayne and Enid were asked to explain the role of the Party(ies) to Dave Buhler's class. Chairman Greene did a great job with the students (as did Chairman Holland) and presented herself very well. She even brought popcorn for all the students.

My post was never meant to be taken seriously and just shows how uptight some people can get. It's not like I said that the Republican Party is being run by anti-Mormons or something like that.

If I had really wanted to take a shot at the new GOP Chair, I would have brought up how Chairman Greene illegally spent 3 million dollars of her father's money on her congressional campaign, but that was not my intent. It was a post meant to give my fellow Democrats a laugh, and it was never meant to be taken seriously.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving Mr. Cornholio, I wish you the very best.