Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Benign: It must be Thanksgiving

I remember the day when my father told me that he had cancer. He was only 61 at the time and a year later he was gone.

Although four years have passed since his departure there are those moments, usually when I'm alone, where the memory of his untimely passing takes hold and reminds me how fragile we are and how important it is to spend time with the people we love.

When the lump on Michelle's thyroid was first discovered I knew that I needed to be strong for her sake, but to pretend that the fear of the worse case scenario has not had it's affect on my emotional state would simply be counterfactual.

My sweet wife has already suffered from an unusually high occurrence of basil cell carcinoma that has been so aggressive that she has gone under the surgeon's knife on five separate occasions, and has twice had to use a cream treatment that was effective in treating the cancer, but would for a short time make any person feel very insecure about appearing in public. For her to have to go through another cancer scare just seemed to be damn unfair.

Today Michelle called to let me know that the lump on her thyroid was benign. After I hung up the phone I went into my office and in a very private manner broke down.

It truly must be Thanksgiving.

Please enjoy a safe and pleasant holiday weekend.

With every best wish,

The Utah Amicus


The Senate Site said...

That is good news Rob. Congratulations. Hope you and Michelle enjoy a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Emily said...


Good news indeed. We all have so much to be grateful for. And when providence smiles down with little miracles, there is moment to pause and give thanks.

Happy Holidays my friend,
